Safeguarding Minds,
Empowering Streams

Where mental health meets the virtual stage -
A community committed to fostering well-being in every stream."


You are our audience,
and so is yours.

Welcome to the heartbeat of Twitch Aegis, where we merge the passion of streaming with the power of mental well-being. Our motion graphic showcases the essence of our program, capturing the spirit of a community united for positive streams.

Our mission is to illuminate the path to mental wellness in the streaming universe.
Discover the story behind the shield that protects the minds behind the streams.
Our team is dedicated to providing mental health resources.

Meet the Guardians

Unveiling the Faces Behind Your Mental Well-Being Shield
Get to know the driving forces behind the shield that safeguards your streaming journey, and learn how they're dedicated to fostering a community.


We got you!

What is Twitch Aegis, and why does it exist?

Twitch Aegis is a program dedicated to promoting mental well-being in the streaming community. It exists to provide resources, support, and a sense of community for streamers navigating the challenges of content creation.

How can I become a certified mental health streamer with Twitch Aegis?

We welcome passionate streamers committed to mental health. To become certified, engage with our community, showcase your dedication to well-being, and apply through our certification process. We value authenticity, empathy, and a shared commitment to positive streaming.

What kind of resources does Twitch Aegis offer for broadcasters?

Twitch Aegis provides a variety of resources, including certified mental health streamers, insightful articles on mental wellness and streaming, and engaging podcasts. Our aim is to support your journey, both in fostering a positive mindset and enhancing your streaming skills.

Contact us

Get in touch and let us know how we can help.

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